Now Auto Mail Sender Standard Edition v6 Is Available

Hello everyone,

Now Auto Mail Sender Standard Edition v6 is available, you can feel free to upgrade your copy.

Please refer the following links to know more detail:
Official Page:
Direct download URL:

This version is a major upgrade, the updates as below:

>> New Features:
* Important: supports the long subject, the previous versions cannot process the subject that exceeded 52 characters.
* Important: optimized the Internet connection checking and license key verifying techniques. The previous version may cannot get user’s license information and offer if AMSSE is started but the Internet connection is not available.
* Checking the unsupported characters (similar to the OS) when rename an email template.
* Optimized the CSV file importing function, now can process the quotes delimiter (“”).
* Optimized and standardized the naming rules (case insensitive) for email templates.
* Optimized UI.
* Optimized the website and documentation.
* Optimized the code to make it to be succinct, efficient and small (size).
* Optimized the font of the schedule listing of Sending Schedule interface, now, it can be display properly on any supported Windows version (WinXP or later).

>> Bug Fixes
* Important: on Vista or later systems: it may cannot save new templates or delete the existing templates after used “Sending Schedule” interface.
* Important: if there is a new version is available or the Internet connection is not available, the background scheduler will not be loaded until you respond the related dialog boxes during AMSSE starting.
* Important: has not deleted the related sending schedule when delete an email template (loose to maintain the data consistency).
* Important: the imprecise local date checking, it may cause something wrong at the end of month.
* Important: has not changed the scheduling file name after renamed an email template.
* On Vista or later systems: some data cannot be saved, deleted or changed.
* It may generate the empty template name when save a template (almost impossible).

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