Daily Archives: August 18, 2014

Now Auto Mail Sender™ Birthday Edition v2.20 Is Available

Hello everyone,

Now Auto Mail Sender™ Birthday Edition v2.20 is available, you can feel free to upgrade your copy.

Please refer the following links to know more detail:
Official Page:
Direct download URL:

This version is a major upgrade, the updates as below:

>> New Features:
* Important: supports the namesake personal contacts and employees (for [Full Name] field).
* Supports to display the [CC] and [BCC] fields in multiline on the Contact and Employee Editor interfaces, and adds the vertical scroll bars to these 4 fields.
* Allows you to modify the case of the festival name.
* Sets the focus to [Template Name] field after prompted “Please input [Template Name].” or “This [Template Name] already exists, please input another.”
* Added the progress prompts for importing / exporting contacts or employees and other time-consuming operations.
* Optimized the email editor: added the vertical scroll bar to the plain email body editor.
* Shows the appropriate prompt if you chose a nonstandard file (not csv/txt/xls/xlsx) for importing / exporting contacts or employees.
* Can copy the content of the “View Receivers” dialog box on the Queue and Log Manager interface.
* Added the blank line separator between each type of receivers on the “View Receivers” dialog box.
* Festivals Manager: set the background color of contacts and employees boxes as 3D control’s foreground, because they are not editable.

>> Bug Fixes
* Important: the importing contacts wizard says that the [Category] field is optional, but if you have not specified the [Category] value, your contacts cannot be imported.
* Cannot display the accelerator key of [eMail Address] field on the Employee Editor interface.
* The <Choose Employees…> button cannot be displayed completely in the “Windows Classic” theme.