Daily Archives: November 1, 2011

Now Auto Mail Sender Standard Edition v5.22 is available.

Hello everyone,

Now Auto Mail Sender Standard Edition v5.22 is available, you can feel free to upgrade your copy.

Please refer the following links to know more detail:
Official site:
Direct download URL:

This version is a major upgrade, the updates as below:

>> Features

* Improved TLS protocol implementation (specially, supports Office 365 SMTP server (outlook.com)), important feature.
* Provides online web help, important feature.
* Optimized the logic of macros replacement, important feature.
* Writes a file to the empty folder attachment, else, the receivers cannot open this folder attachment, important feature.
* Improved the splash interface.
* Optimized the documentation.
* Optimized the system tray icon.

>> Fixed

* Monthly sending times initialization is improper, important fixed.
* Monthly ‘Last Day’ schedule cannot work at Dec 31, important fixed.
* Avoids the popup Outlook Express dialog box (for Win XP-), important fixed.
* Avoids the invalid template name (checks special character for template filename), important fixed.