Hello everyone,
Now Auto Mail Sender™ Birthday Edition v2.22 is available, you can feel free to upgrade your copy.
Please refer the following links to know more detail:
Official Page:
Direct download URL:
This version is a major upgrade, the updates as below:
>> New Features
* Uses the new hand-painted (by colored pencil) logo.
* Fully supports shortcut keys in “eMail Templates Manager” interface, even the focus in the HTML editor.
* Optimized the splash interface.
* Friendlier to open the online or local resources (the container of opened resources (Windows Explorer or a Web Browser) can get focus automatically).
>> Bug Fixes
* Important: if the names (contacts, employees, departments, festivals, templates, etc.) contain the non-ASCII uppercase characters (such as Č, Ć, Đ, Š, Ž, И, Я, Ч, Ы, etc.), this record cannot be modified or deleted!
* There are a few surplus spaces in the upgrading prompt.