Hello everyone,
Now Auto Mail Sender™ Birthday Edition v2.01 is available, you can feel free to upgrade your copy.
Please refer the following links to know more detail:
Official Page:
Direct download URL:
This version is a major upgrade, the updates as below:
>> New Features:
* Important: optimized the employees/contacts importing feature – now, AMSBE can identify any valid date format (birthday), before this version, the birthday must be formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. Specially, this is friendlier for Excel data source.
* Optimized and beautified the program, website, documentation and installer (text, fonts, images and their definition, colors and layout).
* Moved all actions which need to run the default email client to the online webpages, in order to avoid the confusion if who has not a default email client.
>> Bug Fixes
* Important: if the email address of the employee has capital letters, the recipient related macros will not work, such as Age, First Name, etc.
* Important: the Nothing values will cause importing failed when import employees/contacts from Excel file.