Now Email Checker Pro v4.1 Is Available

Hello everyone,

Now Email Checker Pro v4.1 is available, you can feel free to upgrade your copy.

Please refer the following links to know more detail:
Official Page:
Direct download URL:

This version is a major upgrade, the updates as below:

>> New Features:
* Supports to customize the maximum number of checking threads, and changed the default value from 50 to 19.
* Adds a new unsupported email server –
* A little interface optimization.
* Increased the update frequency for the statistics and 3D pie chart.
* Optimized the import algorithm for Excel files.

>> Bug Fixes
* Cannot export to the Excel file if the target file is in use.
* If minimized the normal window, and activate it from the taskbar, the window size will be changed (referring the last size).
* If the [Name] field (first field) has empty cell(s) in Excel documents, when import data from them will cause the dislocation values.

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